Sunday, July 7, 2013

Watermelon Nail Art

Hey guys! So today I was roaming around Pinterest when I ran across some ADORABLE nails- (which doesn't take very long if you're familiar with Pinterest) and I just had to try them out. I've always wanted to do this design but never really attempted it, so this afternoon I figured it was time! These are two original pictures I saw on Pinterest:

I absolutely loved them both! So I thought, why not combine the two?
I did! Here's How:
I started off by painting my index, middle, and ring finger with Finger Paint's "Fifteen Minutes of Frame", and my pinky and thumb in Loreal's "Pink Carat". In this picture my thumb is painted with my Revlon "Eclectic" polish, but I decided the two greens clashed so I stuck with two base colors.
Then with a clean striper brush, I did vertical lines on my index and ring fingers with a mixture of Sinful Colors "Innocent" and my Revlon "Eclectic" They turned out like this:
Make sure they look really squiggled and not uniform (they look messy in this picture but as always I clean up lines after I complete the manicure)
I then went on to do a slanted design exactly like the middle finger in the second picture using the same colors, just using my striping brush to give it a clean look.
Lastly, I did a French manicure type look on my thumb and pinky, using Finger Paints 15 Minutes on top, with a thin line of Innocence mixed with Eclectic underneath.
And of course, don't forget the seeds! Using a plain dotting tool and black polish, I scattered dots throughout the design,
So here's the final product!
Products used from left to right: Loreal in "Pink Carat", Finger Paint's "Fifteen Minutes of Frame" Sinful Colors Innocence and Snow me White, Revlon Eclectic and Clear, L.A Colors black, China Glaze Matte Magic, Striping brushes, Scotch Tape.

                Thanks so much for checking this out! I hope you enjoyed it :-) More soon to come :)

                                                                                                                   XOX, Sarah


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